Arriving there is what you’re destined for.
Hope your road is a long one.
You are not here

Stories and Inspirations for Those Who Have Not Yet Arrived

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You are not here

About the Book

Are you where you thought you’d be at this stage of your life?

No? Then this book is for you.

“You Are Not Here” explores the timeless concept that life’s journey is its own reward.

This collection of stories, reflections, and inspirations, partly autobiographical and inspired by the beloved poem Ithaka, is for those who have not yet arrived. It is an invitation to discover the beauty in the struggle, find hope in the quest, and embrace growth as you move forward on your own life’s journey.

Written by Michael Albanese and beautifully illustrated by JJ Richards, this book is a love letter to dreamers. It offers an approachable and encouraging reminder that, wherever you are on this adventure called life, you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Hope your road is a long one.
But don’t hurry the journey at all.

A Glimpse of The Journey

You are not here Illustration by JJ Richards
"If we cultivate a culture of generosity in our own lives, sometimes we will be the giver, sometimes the receiver, and every once in a while... we get to deliver the envelope."
"Friendships are eventually tested, shaped, and strengthened by the joys and trials of life."
"Achievement is not a solution. Success is not a savior. Sometimes what we think will give us hope instead hands us despair."
"However, sometimes when you visit the idea cemetery, something does come back to life.  Like this book."
You are not here Illustration by JJ Richards
"Some things in life do not need an outcome or result.  They just need our attention."
"Always be aware of gifts that can help open and close chapters of your life."
You are not here Illustration by JJ Richards
"What if we could achieve our dreams while keeping our relationships, marriage, friendships, health and integrity in place?"

'You Are Not Here' is a love letter to dreamers, an encouraging reminder that on this adventure of life:

Written by Michael Albanese and adorned with captivating illustrations by JJ Richards.