Jackhammer Lullaby
Poetic Reflections on The broken and The beautiful
by Michael Albanese
Poetry is deeply personal. It’s deeply personal because it is urgent. It’s urgent because it is perhaps the only art form (written or spoken) that can express pain and joy, trauma and triumph, in the shortest amount of time with the greatest amount of emotional resonance. Poetry can be a healer for the writer and reader. It can be mysterious. It can be provocative and playful, ethereal and emotional. There is brevity and bravery in poetry.
A Glimpse
a fool, the tool
fix broken hearts
arts becoming unbecoming
mooning, sunning, stunning planets,
postponed plans, Instagram
instant gratification
no satisfaction in the action
fractions of hairline fractures, facts
figures of a disfigured face, fallen grace
traces of places where fear cannot tread
love only, love said
watch the serpentine thread, dead
before whispers of peace, new lease
on life, old strife prolific, horrific rise,
surprise, power diminishes,
finishes good work
trolls of souls charged tolls on the way out
get behind me, commands one of three,
see the sea of freedom, waves stave the ebb
flow, overthrow
a kingdom thriving
surviving afternoon aftermath,
gravest grave, three times pass
masses amass a last glance at the past
unlearn tomorrow’s sorrow to know joy
the ambivalence of today
I see your face
(in the morning)
– and wonder
How will this face face the future
both everchanging
stories, melodies
mispronounced words
birdsong never so sweet
eyes, skies, bright asher blue
perfect essence, warm July night
happy, blessed
your name lives up to you
heart, bursting (tender)
I know a million people
none as kind as you
a gift, a graft of us in matter
a spirit, a sprite in your artform
fearfully, wonderfully (made)
belonging, first soul, wanted, here (with us) –
(shh, I know – it’s a nickname)
your heart can change the world
no wonder as words wander
a piano piece plays right now –
entitled “time”
all broken
some unspoken
home page news,
late night sirens
tornadoes and trials
winds and wounds
silences and screams
a man goes to prison
it doesn’t have to be this way
o, heart, where is thy grace?
(I hope he burns in Hell)
in response to any form of abuse to any child anywhere
o, Poet
whose s(words) slay giants
bare hands, choke life from beasts
spare fingers, pluck strings
a melodious salve
spirits, torment and sharp
driven by harp, and heart
hard after their maker
o, Lover
whose affections overflow
into the street, music and beat
this warrior’s greatest defeat
not a battlefield, but female form
formed from foam and froth
of heart’s darkest ale
o, King
dawn of destined eyes
groans of passion
sown seeds, the calling of pain
no longer ruddy hope, but king
lambs soft in the meadow
hands heavy on the crown
oil of calling, thick in the ground
with whom have you left these few in the wilderness?
sweet belonging, second soul
part of me (you, see)
through me
eyes, sapphire wells
a mischief, personality
where would I be with/out
your accountability (?)
profile, a painting
questions, stump
curious, clear
I know you wish to be bigger.
You are (bigger than life)
I am better for it.
Imagine, photographs
tiny legs
the mosaic of bruises
running, working to catch up
you will be the one to catch
almost too big to throw in the air
to catch, yet (never to big in my mind)
spirit, soar beyond words and winds
smart, brave
what will you do with those hands?
What will your heart hand this world?
you, in the driver’s seat
in a car that has
my soul in its trunk.
where are we going
with your foot hard on the pedal (?)
what do we pass
on this old country road (?)
I cannot see.
I felt us dip in that pothole back there.
the bump, music from your breath
a harp in a hurricane.
Keep going,
the engine revs,
burn it into blazing eternity.
no breaks
no brakes
stop for rest under merciful moon
when loves escapes, its hands untied
pluck these strings
this hurricane dances
what it sucks in
will eventually spit out
words (insecurely, I hope)
that will take your breath away
the greatest cruelty
(time would say)
is to give you my offspring
for your tomorrow today
it’s the films, the music
the make-believe fears
the passing of days
now come the tears
it’s the pain, the suffering
things left undone
I turnaround,
another turn around the sun
soundless void
I wish to avoid
a child becoming
it’s the empty glass,
all has run over and dried
the crumbs are still there
cars slowly pass
you are not there
it’s the piano trilling,
each keynote a clock tick
oh, Vivace – I cannot keep up
molto largo, please
The Author
a native of New York City
michael grew up in Marietta, Georgia he loves coffee basketball and all expressions of art
michael lives and dreams in atlanta with his wife, actress Wynn Everett, and their two daughters
The Cover art
this was street art I found in Mexico City in November 2023
it was a huge mural painted on the side of a building and it took my breath away
I photographed it knowing I would be inspired to use it one day for a creative purpose
I do not know the artist or I would give credit but whoever this artist was/is, this is visual poetry and I thank you